最新AIエンジン『GPT-4.5 & OpenAI o1』搭載

SEO-based AI Writing ToolTranscope

AI automatically generates SEO-friendly content based on the keywords you enter and the top-ranked content. Experience the magical writing that sells 10 times more.

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SEO-based AI Writing Toolトランスコープ
  1. 評価元:YouTubeチャンネル「シュナのブログ副業とお金の勉強【蓮本俊介】」
  2. 2025年2月時点
  • 三菱地所株式会社
  • artgraph
  • 和遊館 丸豊
  • WEBBOX合同会社
  • 株式会社アール
  • ヨコイ塗装

What is Transcope?

Transcope is an AI writing tool that generates SEO-friendly text. We use GPT-4, the latest API from OpenAI, the company that developed the popular ChatGPT.

Optimized for SEO

Unlike other tools such as ChatGPT, it can generate SEO-friendly text while analyzing competitor sites.



Zero AI wait time

With the Leave it to AI document creation feature, you no longer have to wait for AI to generate the text.

Multimodal input

In addition to text, the system can handle a variety of input formats, including URLs, image files and audio.

Transcope Features Explanatory Video


Transcope can be used for SEO writing and in-house chatbots.


Unlike other tools such as ChatGPT, it can generate SEO-friendly text while analyzing competitor sites.


トランスコープ有料ユーザーの平均値で、CTR Research Studyのデータを参考にアクセス数の推定値を計算した場合、トランスコープのご利用を1年続けるとアクセス数が2.13倍になる結果となりました。


  • 直近30日間と30日〜60日前の、トランスコープに保存されております全検索キーワードを比較した結果になります。

  • 上記比較結果が1.065倍のアクセス数の伸びであったため、1.065倍の12乗で1年の伸びを2.13倍と推定しました。

  • あくまでも直近の結果を基にした推定値であり、キーワードやお客様の現状によっても難易度が変わるので、成果をお約束するものではありません。

line 予約送信18,1002位
ChatGPT できること3,6001位
ハワイアンジュエリー 結婚指輪2,9001位
スタバ 英語2,9005位
ヤクルト 1000 Y1000 違い2,9009位

02If you try to generate content by hand

We understand that if the ChatGPT text is subject to checking and rework, you may think it would be faster to create your own text.

However, although the paper is still under peer review, when we gave it an intermediate level writing assignment, the group using ChatGPT finished work 37% faster and improved quality by about 20% according to the results.

Generating content from 0 to1 is the most time-consuming part of the process, so even if you have to spend more time editing the results that ChatGPT outputs, uncomparable optimization of time is possible. In addition, a dramatic increase in the number of expressions is expected.

the group using ChatGPT finished work 37% faster and improved quality by about 20%
Authority: https://economics.mit.edu/sites/default/files/inline-files/Noy_Zhang_1.pdf

03If you try to create SEO-friendly text using ChatGPT alone

Here is an image of the text generated by the latest version of the GPT-4 on "How to Choose Women's Accessories".

Because of the naturalness of the text, it is difficult to notice when looking only at the GPT-4 results, but the content seems to be based on the assumption that the write will be wearing the accessory and not appropriate for the user who is looking to give the accessory as a gift.

This may be due to the fact that GPT-4 makes assumptions and generates sentences in response to abstract instructions given by humans. Also, unless specific instructions are given, text that omits many keywords that are important for SEO is created.

but the content seems to be based on the assumption that the write will be wearing the accessory

04If you incorporate Transcope

We analyze the top-ranked competitor sites on Google to identify the most frequently used keywords and headline structure.

Based on the results of the above analysis, we will generate content that suits the user's purpose of buying a gift, or that includes many important keywords, content that could not be generated using ChatGPT alone, so more comprehensive and SEO-friendly content can be generated. We have set up the system so that different sentences are generated even if they are generated under the exact same conditions, so there is no need to worry about generating sentences that are similar to sentences that already exist on the Internet.

Also, as long as the title and headings are set, the text can be generated in the background, efficient generation of sentences without waiting for AI to generate sentences is possible.

so more comprehensive and SEO-friendly content can be generated.

05Wouldn't AI generated content be spam?

There is an opinion that AI-generated texts may fall under the category of spam that will be penalized by Google. However, texts are not evaluated based on how they are produced, but rather on whether they are useful and high quality content for users as stated by Google.

In conclusion, there is nothing wrong with using AI to create text. However, AI-generated text as it is is often generic and unoriginal content. To maximize SEO effectiveness, we believe it is necessary to rewrite the text by human hands and add our company's unique know-how.

Wouldn't AI generated content be spam?
E-commerce company A

We improved product descriptions for previously struggling products, resulting in a boost in sales!

In a company where new products are released every month, updating existing product pages was set aside as the main focus set on new product development, even though the team knew that sales would increase with focus on updating existing product content.
However, after introducing Transcope, AI automatically generated product headlines and product descriptions that, allowed quick updating of existing product pages in a short amount of time. As a result, sales of existing products increased, and the company achieved better results than originally expected.

E-commerce company A


The minimum contract term is one month and is paid monthly. If you sign up for the paid version in the middle of the month, say on January 15, the first month of the contract will be until February 14, and the contract will be automatically renewed on the 15th of each month.

Initial cost



Can be used to consider a paid version


  • Content generation of 4,000 characters/month
  • Some functions are limited
  • Search ranking research: up to 3 words
  • Competitor analysis: up to 3 times/month
  • Keyword research: up to 3 times/month
  • Information learning: up to 10,000 characters
  • Transcription: free of charge up to 5 minutes in length
  • The expiration date is one week.

  • Please contact us to discuss about meetings


The latest version of GPT-4 at your fingertips

Tax included


(¢0.175 per character/month)

  • Content generation of 50,000 characters/month
  • All functions available
  • Search ranking research: up to 10 words
  • Document: unlimited
  • Competitor analysis: unlimited
  • Keyword research: unlimited
  • Information learning: up to 10,000 characters
  • Internal link suggestion: up to 3 times/month
  • Transcription: free of charge up to 5 minutes in length
  • The $70 fee must be paid in advance


Most Popular

Want to generate more text

Tax included


(¢0.1225 per character/month)

  • Content generation of 250,000 characters/month
  • All functions available
  • Search ranking research: up to 100 words
  • Document: unlimited
  • Competitor analysis: unlimited
  • Keyword research: unlimited
  • Information learning: up to 10,000 characters
  • Internal link suggestion: unlimited
  • Transcription: free of charge up to 5 minutes in length
  • The $245 fee must be paid in advance


Want to make the most of the service in the organization

Tax included


(¢0.07 per character/month)

  • Content generation of 600,000 characters/month
  • All functions available
  • Search ranking research: up to 1,000 words
  • Document: unlimited
  • Competitor analysis: unlimited
  • Keyword research: unlimited
  • Information learning: up to 10,000 characters
  • Internal link suggestion: unlimited
  • Transcription: free of charge up to 5 minutes in length
  • The $420 fee must be paid in advance


  • Basicプラン:


  • Proプラン:


  • Enterpriseプラン:


  • 最大1営業日以内に反映させていただきます。締日を超えると、オプションで購入いただいた文字数が消失いたします。


Tax included

¥ 11,000/100万文字

  • この価格は月額料金です。

  • 最大1営業日以内に反映させていただきます。締日を超えても、オプションで購入いただいた文字数は消失いたしません。


Tax included


  • 最大1営業日以内に反映させていただきます。締日を超えても、オプションで購入いただいた時間数は消失いたしません。


Can customize for usage

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  • Increase the number of characters that can be generated
  • Provision of API
  • Learning and tuning your company's existing text
  • If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.



※ Enterpriseプランで3,000文字/1記事をリライト等をして5,000文字にすると仮定

For those who want to know more about Transcope, please click here.

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Scheduled for release in winter 2023

If you are interested, we will let you know when it is released,
and we would appreciate it if you could contact us from below.